Our Classroom

14/8- Cat in the Hat!

We  made Cat in the Hat biscuits as apart of procedure writing! We made them using oreos, icing and rasberry lollies!

We also drew our own Cat in the Hat pictures and decorated them with water colour paints!


16/6- There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed A Fly!

We loved reading this classic! We made our own version by using a clear bag for the Old Ladies stomach. The children could draw anything they wanted their Old Lady to swallow. Dogs, dinosaurs, ninjas, cakes, cars and planets were just some of the things that were inside our creations!

Tissue Paper Art

To create effective look we tore up tissue paper and arranged it onto a piece of paper. Then we used a water spray bottle to wet the tissue paper, causing the colour to run. Once the paper was dry we stencilled over the top.


WOW Words!

We have been reading texts, locating and recording  'WOW Words'. WOW Words are interesting words that simply make you think WOW when you read them!

Identifying and talking about WOW Words encourages children to broaden the range of vocabulary they apply to their speaking and writing.
Once we have identified a WOW Word we brainstorm ways we could use it in a different sentence.

Procedure Writing- Jazzy Verbs!
Our major writing focus this term has been on writing procedures. We have learnt that the first word in each step is always a verb.

We looked through cookbooks to find as many different verbs as we could. Now we can use the list to jazz up our own writing- now never have to use the verb 'put' again! Phew! What a relief!


Winners are Grinners!



So Far in Term 2!

We just LOVE Pete the Cat in Year 1. Pete helped us to learn all about verbs with his book 'Pete the Cat- Rocking in My School Shoes'.

First we wrote down all of the verbs we found in the text.


Then we made our own Pete the Cat along with a sentence strip from the story.
 For these sentences we came up with our own verbs. Pete was cooking, dancing, baking, skating, flying, gliding, drawing and swimming in his school shoes!


It's sniffle season! We did a fun craft activity to go with the poem;
cover your cough
cover you sneeze
this will help us to stay healthy please!

As apart of  procedure writing we have made fruit kebabs!

Easter Craft!

We made these cute little bunnies and then filled out an application to be the next Easter Bunny. The children thought they would make a good Easter Bunny because they can hop fast, they like helping people, they are good at hiding things and of course because they love chocolate!




20/3/13- Germs Are Not For Sharing!

Today we learnt about the horrible world of germs! We started with a box full of germs (glitter). I had the children close their eyes as I pretended to sneeze and covered my hands in the glitter. When they opened their eyes I told the children that I had sneezed straight into my hands! They were horrified to see all of the germs! Then I shook hands with some of the children and they then began to shake hands with each other. Soon enough, germs (glitter) were everywhere! On arms, legs and faces. We imagined that germs were a flu virus and we saw how many people could become ill as a result of not washing hands our properly. We tried to dust them off but no luck! The pesky germs would not budge. After cleaning ourselves up with hand sanitiser we discussed exaclty what we need to do to ensure we stay healthy by keeping our hands clean!




15/03/13 Integrated Studies/Art and Craft

This week we learnt about the life cycle of a frog! The children  used non-fiction texts to research each stage. We looked at how a contents page can help us to locate information easily.  Ideas were then collated before the children made their own life cycle on a paper polaroid strip. In Art, the children made the frog!

Pastoral Care!

We have been celebrating all of the things we have to be grateful for. We also learnt how being grateful for what we have, can help us to get through difficult times. We created heart maps to show all the things that our hearts are grateful for!                                                     



9/03/2013- Before the blog began...

The children have spoken!
After a unanimous class vote, the children have decided that they would like pictures of the display work we completed before the website began to be uploaded and shared. They were also very insistent that I upload a photo of our 'Book Nook/Safe Space' for you all to see too!

Health- Healthy Plates!

 Full of 'everyday' foods!

Art- Self Portraits!


 Our Book Nook/ Safe Space!

We have a tree in our classroom! The children use this quiet space to read and chill out in. 
A special thank you to Sharon who regularly takes home the toys and blankets to wash or mend!


Special Sharing

Our classroom had two special visitors stop by this morning! BJ brought in two baby chickens for his Show and Tell. The children were very excited to have a pat and the chicks seemed to enjoy their time in Year 1 too!


This week we are looking at how we can keep our teeth healthy. Today we listened to a teeth brushing song, used toothbrushes to clean teeth on the Interactive Whiteboard and then we made our own set of pearly whites! We used paper to cut out the lips and then glued on cotton wool balls to look like healthy, clean teeth.


28/02/2013 Art based on Integrated Studies lesson

To add to our lifecycle flipbooks we created gorgeous butterflies based on Eric Carle’s  ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’. To make the bodies, we painted egg cartons that had been cut into quarters. For the wings, we dipped paper towel into food colouring and watched the colours run into each other. We are so pleased with how they turned out! Thank you to the parents to supplied the egg cartons and to the mums who helped us to do the activity!





25/02/13 Some Of Our Journey So Far

Literacy and Art

Where is the Green Sheep?

This term we are exploring the wonderful world of Australian author Mem Fox! After reading ‘Where is the Green Sheep’ we brainstormed and created new characters for the book.
In Art we made our own sheep by rolling strips of paper around a pencil and attaching it to look like wool. In Written Language we wrote all about our new characters.

Some of our new characters included; hip-hip sheep, princess sheep, ninja sheep, ballet sheep and sleeping sheep!


Integrated Studies

Life cycles

As a part of our 'changes over time' unit we are researching the life cycles of different animals. Last week we learnt about life cycles of butterflies. First we read 'The Very hungry Caterpillar' by Eric Carle. Then we looked at non-fiction texts in small groups to see if we could work out the four stages of the life cycle. Then we collated our ideas as a class.
The next day we made flip books to represent each stage in the life cycle of a butterfly!


2D shapes

We made pentagons, hexagons and octagons using little marshmallows and matchsticks!